I have a new commitment to writing. It is actually a New Years Resolution. Those list are not something I usually attempt as most people make them too impossible to stick to. This year being in accountability with solid friends I have chosen to participate in this timeless ritual. This will be a list I will share with you in my next blog post, however one of the commitments I have made was to write a blog post at least twice a month.
The end of 2010 I was challenged by a friend's writing to look into my thoughts and emotions by putting them down. This was a short lived habit that I had established in my early college years, but was not focused to continue the journey. Also I think writing is something that is supposed to be shared as is challenges you the writer and others the reader to grow. I think that is a reason why I stopped writing, because I was doing it old school in a journal.
Now somethings are created to be kept private, starting the healing of circumstances or emotions by putting them down on paper. I have always felt that writing was a kind of self counseling session. Once you write the words down they are permanent, they are forever, they are a commitment to a way of thinking or feeling. I love that part of writing. It makes you really think about what you believe and why you believe it.
However, somethings are just too big to keep under you pillow in a leather wrapped folder. Some ideas must be open to people's critique or discussion. I believe we miss too many opportunities to learn by keeping our mouths shut, or our pen still or keyboard quiet. This is my journey for 2011, to learn about myself and others.
The problem lies in finding or committing to a topic. By nature I am a very opinionated person. I don't mean that in a bad way, but I am one that can come to a conclusion by way of research and believe whole-heartedly in it. However, choosing something to write about comes tough. I don't want my writing to be fluff or a waste of time (for you or me), I want my writing to resonate. I know I am not a man with a deep vocabulary list. You will not find me writing with 4-5 syllable words. Sometimes I wish I was that guy. I'm not. But I do want my writing to inspire, question, criticize, compliment, rehash emotion, and most of all affect people.
Thank you for being on this journey with me. And like any commitment, some days I will be stretching to fulfill my monthly duty and some days will be pure writing ecstasy. I hope at the end of this year I can look back and think: well done.
Good luck man, there will be times when it is an obstical but in the end you will be glad you did it.