Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Understanding Israel's Troubles

I have been studying the book of Romans over the last couple months.  I came to a few verses today in Romans 10 that have struck me to write about. 

Romans 10:3," For they don’t understand God’s way of making people right with himself. Refusing to accept God’s way, they cling to their own way of getting right with God by trying to keep the law." 

Usually when I have read this, I just gloss over it.  Sometimes I think to myself, what's wrong with these Jews that they have incredible trouble believing in Christ Jesus.  But when I think of all the thousands of years of tradition these people had to give up, I could understand their plight.  Through many generations of ancestors, they have been taught the way of the law.  Their fathers and grandfathers have exhibited their zeal for God by being steadfast to Moses' law.  How now are they supposed to turn their backs on that now?  You see, it's not the same of some Gentile that is not enriched in such a beautiful tradition.  People that had no faith, no God, were much easily swayed to this new found faith in Christ after his resurrection.  Being steeped in rules and regulations, I'm sure did not come easily.  Their had to be a lot of sacrifice and discipline to be able to follow "the letter of the law."