Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Promise to Myself

This will be short but probably not sweet.  I made a promise to myself and to a friend that I would write at least once a week.  Today is my 27th birthday today.  My family was never really big on birthdays growing up, so to me it's just another day.  The best birthday I had was when I got to take some friends ice skating and I ended up cutting my skin on a friend's skate.  I still have the scar.  But typically it was just dinner, some presents, and then off to bed.  I look back and I don't really feel sorry for myself, but I know I want that to be changed for my boys. 

On a day to day basis I have to admit that I am terrible at celebrating my children.  Life lately, has offered so much stress and tiredness that I have to make a conscience effort to make my boys feel special.  I am fortunate that I am an aware father, however I'm not sure if that always makes it easier.

We need to celebrate our kids, our wives, and our family and friends.  Right now, I can say I am depleted.  I don't feel the need to celebrate myself, it seems as if life's accomplishments are all for not.  What I have my eyes fixed on is sharing the celebration of my relationship with my living God with others.  That is what gives me the strength and focus to run the race of day to day.

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