Monday, March 7, 2011

3 Reasons to Live

Many of my posts have been reflective on what changes have been happening in my life over the past couple years.  I have been introspective on the desire for growth in my life and have taken steps to accomplish that.  However I have yet to take the time to write about what is extremely important to me and also something that defines me in a heavy way.  I am talking about my three great boys.

Writing these blogs have been a way where I could be reflective on my own life and see the way God has grown me and also see the relationships I have developed over my life.  But my blogs are also dedicated to my boys.  Twenty years from now I want them to be able to read about my life and what I was going through to show them that I am someone that can help along their journey.  Also I want this to be a forum where I can unveil the enormous amount of love I have for them.  I want them to know specifically how they have impacted my life over the years so they can know that they are very loved.  So I want to share with you specifically the blessing of each of my boys.

The ages of my boys are Ryland 4, Maddox 2 1/2, and Dallas 10 months.

Ryland being our first, there was so much anticipation going into his birth.  Of course we did not plan to conceive Ryland so close to after we got married.  We conceived him 6 months after our wedding and man was it a huge shock.  I was deathly scared of becoming a dad at that point.  Luckily, I was able to seek council from older friends that reassured me that life was going to be much better now.  Were they right! 

From the beginning, Ryland was so even tempered.  He constantly smiled, all throughout the day.  From early on we could tell how fast he could learn and soaked it in.  He was a very sweet baby that would get along with anybody.  As parents we didn't have to be worried at what friend's or famalies house we would drop him off at because he adapted very well.

Turning into a little boy, Ryland has shown a great compassion and care for everyone around him.  He is very considerate of people's feelings and doesn't hesitate to tell you that he loves you.  Ryland lives like he doesn't have a care in the world, soaking in experiences and loving to learn.  There have been many special moments with my first born.  One of the proudest moments was taking him snowboarding when he just turned 3.  Once I figured out how to teach him he was on his own.  Ryland's ability to follow instructions allows him to pick up on things very fast.  I am very proud of him and tell him on a daily basis.  I look forward to him achieving his goals in life and being able to celebrate with him.

From the moment Maddox came out we knew we had a different child then our first.  Maddox came out wailing and kept wailing.  Ut-oh, I thought.  One thing about Maddox you can tell right away is that he is such a passionate child.  From early on Maddox would let us know what he liked and what he didn't like, when he was happy or when he was angry.  The early days were hard, with a lack of communication we had to learn to approach him from a different angle.  But as he grew we learned that Maddox wanted to be directed and wanted to learn.  He is very affectionate and loves to cuddle.  Inside that rough and tough kid is a heart of gold that loves to be loved.

Maddox is our comedian child.  He doesn't really try to be funny, but he always has a way to crack us up.  I have learned more about parenting and have become such a better parent because of Maddox.  He has taught me so much about patience and about having an unfailing love for my children.  Maddox's smile is contagious.  He has the greatest, largest smile that can turn your day around.  Maddox is very artistic always wanting to draw and paint.  His favorite thing however is playing the drums.  Since he turned two he has shown a huge passion for playing drums.  Everyday he spends at least an hour or more playing away to music being played or songs on movies.  He is very driven and passionate.  I look forward to investing in his hobbies as he is going to be laser focused on something and become very successful.

We have yet to really see the boy Dallas is going to grow into.  Most of the time he is a very content baby.  He adapts very well to crazy schedules and a lot of activity.  His laugh is hilarious.  He loves to laugh at his brothers and anything they do brings a smile to his face.  Dallas is a very sweet baby that loves to be held but also likes cruising around the house.  His favorite thing is water, which keeps us on our toes (no getting into the toilet).  Dallas loves to play with his brothers and loves any attention from loving people.  I look forward to seeing who he will grow to be and will always be there to encourage him and love him.

I am proud to say that I am a great daddy and take big pride in making sure my boys are loved and cared for.  I am lucky to have such a great wife that gives her whole life to loving these boys.  Parenting is a challenge but I look forward to raising them to grow to be real men who loves their family and loves God.  I am also very appreciative of all the friends and family who have a positive impact on our children and invest in them on a continual basis.  I look forward to raising our famalies together and learning from each other.

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